Jeans are the ultimate clothing chameleon, they work with every occasion!
Though some may say that diamonds are a girl's best friend, if you ask us, the perfect pair of jeans are your true BFF. Because when you find a pair of great jeans, chances are you'll stock up on them and wear them everywhere! You can wear jeans just about anywhere and for almost any occasion!
Lauren Conrad likes her denim slim and classic and so do we! Pair dark denim with a bright sweater and some tan boots! For a more elegant look, slide into a silk top and add a bold necklace, you'll look super chic!
Trying to tone your tummy for swimsuit season? We can help! The secret to a fat-blasting workout is doing the moves correctly. To learn how to get the most from the time you spend exercising, we asked fitness guru Kathy Smith for her savviest secrets on taming that tummy bulge as well as getting a better overall workout. Incorporate these tips into your get-fit routine and you’ll be saying sayonara to belly fat, jiggly arms and thick thighs in no time.
1. Wake up your waist-whittling workout by introducing a stability ball. To find the correct position for doing crunches on a stability ball, sit on the ball and roll down until your hips and lower back are resting on the ball. As your abs get stronger, position your hips higher on the ball and farther from the floor. For more of a challenge, move your feet closer together, eventually working up to having your knees touching.
2. Make a “house for a mouse.” Here’s how it works: Lie facedown with your pubic bone and ribs “glued” to the floor. Now contract your abs so that you pull your belly button up and away from the floor. The tiny space you’ve created near your navel is the mouse’s house. Continue breathing while you hold this position for 10 seconds. Work up to holding it for a full 30 seconds, and do this move three or four times each week. Even though the movement is small, you’re working the transverse abdominus -- the lower muscles of the belly that, when toned, will give you a sexy, flat stomach. Incorporate the house for a mouse into your other exercises as well. Whether you’re standing up or lying down, concentrate on pulling your abdominals up and in. The payoff: You’ll be building your core strength while also working other areas of the body.
3. Bothered by back pain when doing crunches on the stability ball? A simple change in position can make lower-back discomfort a distant memory. Concentrate on squeezing your buttocks and pulling your hips toward the ceiling. This movement flattens out the lower back and prevents too much of a curve. Also try this technique if lower-back pain pops up when you’re doing yoga or Pilates moves that require you to lie facedown on the floor.
Lean Legs
4. To ensure you’re hitting the targeted muscles while doing squats, sit back with your weight in your heels -- you should be able to wiggle your toes and lift them off the floor as you squat. Also, to make sure that you’re squatting low enough to really work your thighs and butt, practice squatting over a chair so that your butt just hovers above the seat.
5. When doing lunges, there should be enough distance between your front foot and your back foot so that your front knee doesn’t jut out over your foot. For most people, spacing feet about three feet apart is just right. Also, be sure to lower your body until your front knee forms a 90-degree angle with the floor. Another tip: Keep your weight in the heel of your front foot to fire up your glutes and shape your butt as you lunge.
6. Take lunges to the next level by placing your front foot on an unstable surface, such as a BOSU Balance Trainer or a Dyna Disc, as you do your lunges. The wobbly surface ups the difficulty -- and the payoff -- because you’ll have to work your abs and core muscles to help maintain your balance. If you don’t have a BOSU or Dyna Disc, substitute a firm pillow.
A Better Upper Body & A Toned Tush
7. Get ready to go sleeveless by doing biceps curls. To get the most out of each rep, keep your elbows pinned against your sides and press your shoulders back and down. Bonus:Turn biceps curls into an ab-toning workout by doing them while sitting on a stability ball.
8. If you only have time for one exercise, make it the push-up, which is tops for sculpting your arms and chest. Just by changing the placement of your hands, you can vary the workout. To hit the triceps, position your hands directly under your shoulders and rotate about 30 degrees so that your fingers are pointed outward. Your elbows should brush your waist as you go down. To target your chest, place your hands wider than shoulder width with your fingers facing forward. Do as many of each kind as you can.
A Toned Tush
9. When climbing stairs, put your whole foot on each step and focus on placing your weight in your heels to engage your glutes. For extra butt-blasting, climb the steps two at a time.
10. You may have tried hip lifts before, and they can be safe and effective -- if you keep a couple of things in mind. The correct position: lying on your back with your feet flat on a low bench or a step. As you raise and lower your hips toward the ceiling, squeeze your butt muscles at the top of the move. Move slowly and be sure that in the up position your knees, hips and ribs are all in a line and your body weight is resting on your shoulder blades, not on your neck, as you lift. Do 8-12 repetitions. Too easy? Do this move with one leg raised. Build up to 8-12 reps on each side.
Hip hop is a dance style, usually danced to hip hop music, that evolved from the hip hop culture. The first dance associated with hip hop was breakdancing. While breakdancing consists primarily of moves executed close to the ground, the majority of hip hop moves are done standing up.
Hip Hop colture:
Hip hop developed from several cultures, including jazz, rock, tap and American and Latino cultures. Hip hop is a very energetic form of dancing. It is unique in that it allows its dancers to perform with freedom of movement, adding in their own personalities.[/The hip hop culture is influenced by the following four elements:
Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance fitness program created by dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez in Colombia during the 1990s.
Zumba involves dance and aerobic elements. Unlike a typical dance class where counts are used, Zumba involves following the music with repetitive movements. Zumba's choreography incorporates hip-hop, samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, martial arts, and some Bollywood and belly dance moves. Squats and lunges are also included.
Start with clean, dry skin. Tea tree oil spray will get rid of any grease and cornstarch will remove any moisture and help protect the skin.
Add the sugar, lemon juice, and water to a saucepan and bring to the boil.
Simmer over medium to low heat while constantly stirring. The mixture should turn to a golden brown and the sugar crystals should be all dissolved after approx 5 to 8 minutes
Once it starts to turn from golden brown to brown (250 - 270 F), turn off the heat and let the mixture sit and cool for a few minutes
Pour into a microwave safe container
Put container in fridge until mixture has cooled enough to be placed on skin
Use a spatula to spread a thin layer of sugar wax over an area slightly smaller than your cotton strip
Immediately press the cotton strip firmly onto the wax in the direction of hair growth and rub up and down several times
Let set for a few minutes then rip off quickly in opposite direction to hair growth!
Repeat steps 1 to 3 until you are left with soft, smooth, hairless skin and all unwanted hair is gone
Use a damp cloth to clean up - having a shower is also a good way to clean up. You may end up with some redness and bumps after sugaring but these usually disappear after a few hours. To help soothe your skin you can apply moisturizer or calamine lotion
Most women find that sugar waxing works great for hair removal, especially on their legs. It's cheap, easy and anyone can do it, and it lasts much longer than shaving or depilatory creams. When the hair grows back it is softer and finer and there's less of it.
Sugar waxing is less painful than regular waxing since it doesn't adhere to the skin, however some women find it is unsuitable for sugaring pubic hair, underarms, face or bikini sugaring where the skin is thinner and more sensitive. If you want to remove hair from sensitive or hard to reach areas or you have sensitive skin then a natural hair removal cream is a painless and simple solution. The results are almost instant, the final effect is the same, and after 1 to 4 months of use the hair is so fine it is not noticeable.
Sugar wax is basically sugar candy, so like candy if you don't cook it long enough it will be too soft, and if you cook it too long it will be hard. If it is in a microwave safe container then you can heat it to thicken it, or add water and stir if it is too hard. Any left over can also be stored and reheated in the microwave, or you can eat it!
Fat burning foods take almost as much calories to burn during digestion than they contain. By incorporating in your diet many of these foods, you are able to lose weight and stay full. Keep your blood sugar from fluctuating by eating these foods throughout the day. Jump start your metabolism in the morning with a breakfast full of fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
According to Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN, fat burning foods reduce the calories in fatty foods by eliminating their fat before it can be stored by the body. By eating fruits that are low in calories and have a lot of fiber to digest, you are able to pair these fruits with fatty foods like cheese and meats to avoid gaining weight. Fruits that have a lot of pulp and fiber to digest include apples, oranges, limes, grapefruit, tangerines and guava. In addition, watermelon is effective for eliminating toxins from the body and removing excess water. Eat when you feel bloated or after ingesting high sodium foods.
Most vegetables have some form of natural fiber. When soluble fiber is digested it forms a gel in the digestive tract. This gel keeps you staying full longer and requires energy to be digested. Vegetables rich in soluble fiber include carrots, artichokes, eggplant, broccoli, tomatoes and celery.
Numerous sources of protein require a lot of energy to burn. Most of these foods are shellfish and fish. One 4 oz. fillet of tilapia has 93 calories and four large shrimp have 22 calories all together. The list of fat burning protein includes crabs, clams, mussels, lobsters, oysters, shrimp, sea bass and flounder. Create meals by steaming one of these proteins and pairing a fat burning vegetable like spinach. You can also make a salsa using foods like tomatoes and limes to add on top of shrimp.